Philadelphia City Officials Sued for Ban on Audio Recording in Bail Hearings
A Philadelphia-based nonprofit and an independent journalist have sued officials in Pennsylvania’s First Judicial District for banning audio recording in bail hearings, a restriction they say violates the First Amendment. […]
South Carolina Supreme Court Overturns Order That Barred Disclosure of Police Body-Camera Footage
Breaking News Update South Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Donald Beatty vacated the order that would have prohibited lawyers from sharing police body-camera footage. The judge objected to the administrative […]
Judge Issues Protective Order for LA Times Reporters in Ongoing Lawsuit Against LA County
A Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruled that journalists at the Los Angeles Times do not have to disclose the identities of their sources or turn over unpublished material they […]
“First Amendment Auditors” Sue Boulder Police Department For Violating Their First Amendment Rights
For an in depth examination of First Amendment Auditors and the right to film in public, click on the link below: Two self-described “First Amendment auditors” are suing the […]
Media Organizations Seek Access To Transcript of Closed Weinstein Hearing
Both the prosecution and the defense in Harvey Weinstein's case want a critical hearing set for Friday to take place behind closed doors, citing Weinstein's right to a fair trial. Now, 14 major news organizations are fighting for open access, asking a judge to keep the hearing open to the press and the public.
Georgia Lawmakers File Worrisome Legislation To Create State Journalism Ethics Board
A group of six Georgia Republican lawmakers introduced an “Ethics in Journalism Act,” a measure that would authorize a “Journalism Ethics Board” to create and implement ethical standards to oversee […]
Ben Smith, Editor-In-Chief of BuzzFeed News Discusses Free Press Issues
Ben Smith, the Editor-In-Chief of BuzzFeed News, discusses his decision to publish the Steele dossier, a controversial intelligence memo compiled by retired British spy Christopher Steele. Smith also talks about […]
Harvard Historian Seeking To Unseal Documents From Probe Into Pentagon Papers Leak
A history professor and writer is asking a federal judge to unseal the records from proceedings in two Boston grand jury probes into the leaks of the Pentagon Papers in […]