Nashville, Tennessee skyline

Nashville Grapples With Lingering Neo-Nazi Presence in Tourist-Friendly City

The city's mayor stressed that any ordinance enforcement would need to withstand a possible court challenge, with delicate implications on constitutional free speech rights.

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Demonstrators and members of the The Coalition to March on the RNC hold a rally, on the first day of the Republican National Convention, in Milwaukee

Protesters Rally Peacefully at Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

The atmosphere was festive, with music playing over loud speakers and vendors selling T-shirts and buttons supporting both Republicans and Democrats.

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Preparations are underway for Republican U.S. presidential candidates to gather for their first primary debate of the 2024 campaign in Milwaukee

GOP Convention Protests to Continue Despite Shooting at Trump Rally, Activists Say

The Coalition to March on the RNC planned to protest for access to abortion rights, for immigrant rights, and against the war in Gaza among other issues.

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Preparations are underway for Republican U.S. presidential candidates to gather for their first primary debate of the 2024 campaign in Milwaukee

Federal Judge Rules Protesters Can’t March Through Republican National Convention Security Zone

The judge said in his order that protesters have a right to march in protest of the RNC, “but the First Amendment does not allow them to protest or parade in any way they choose.”

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Wisconsin Supreme Court

WI Court Says an Order Against an Anti-Abortion Protester Violated First Amendment

The protester argued that his comments, made from a public sidewalk, were protected free speech under the First Amendment. The Wisconsin Supreme Court agreed.

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COVID-19 mask

North Carolina’s Restrictions on Public Mask-Wearing Are Law After Some Revisions

During the bill’s pathway through the legislature, GOP lawmakers said it was, in part, a response to widespread protests on college campuses against the war in Gaza.

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The campus of the University of Pennsyvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

PA Senate Passes Bill to Bar Universities, Pension Funds From Divesting From Israel

Sen. Steve Santarsiero, who was a sponsor, disputed that the bill infringes on freedom of speech and said students and faculty will still be able to protest peacefully.

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Officers at the Seattle Police Department's West Precinct in Seattle

Jury Awards $700K to Seattle Protesters Jailed for Writing Anti-Police Slogans on Barricade

The jury found the protesters were jailed as retaliation, and the officers acted with malice, reckless disregard or oppression denying the plaintiffs their First Amendment rights.

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