Freedom of Expression
A rainbow U.S. flag is held up during a vigil for the Pulse night club victims in Orlando

Days Before a Biden Rule Against Anti-LGBTQ+ Bias Takes Effect, Judges Are Narrowing Its Reach

U.S. District Judge Rodney Sipple from Missouri blocked enforcement of the rule in six additional states, bringing the total to 21.

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Voters line up at a polling station on Election Day in Houston

Texas City Strips Funding for Monthly Art Event Over Drag Show

During the 2023 legislative session, state lawmakers approved several bills — including one that sought to ban drag shows in public places — that the LGBTQ+ community and free speech advocates called unconstitutional.

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Rainbow flags fly across the street from the Stonewall Inn in New York

An Order Blocking a Rule To Help LGBTQ+ Kids Applies to Hundreds of Schools

Attorneys for Moms for Liberty, a group challenging the rule in Kansas, asked U.S. District Judge John Broomes to block the rule in any county where a group member lives.

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A rainbow U.S. flag is held up during a vigil for the Pulse night club victims in Orlando

Judge’s Order Expands Where Biden Can’t Enforce New Rule Protecting LGBTQ+ Students

The judge concluded the rule violated the free speech rights of parents and students who reject transgender students’ gender identities.

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Officers at the Seattle Police Department's West Precinct in Seattle

Jury Awards $700K to Seattle Protesters Jailed for Writing Anti-Police Slogans on Barricade

The jury found the protesters were jailed as retaliation, and the officers acted with malice, reckless disregard or oppression denying the plaintiffs their First Amendment rights.

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Boise Public Library

LGBTQ+ Librarians Grapple With Attacks on Books – And on Themselves

The American Library Association said it documented the highest-ever number of titles targeted for censorship in 2023 in more than 20 years of tracking — 4,240.

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Jack Phillips

Colorado Justices Consider a Cake’s Meaning in a Transgender Discrimination Case

The Colorado Supreme Court took Tuesday’s oral arguments in the transgender celebration cake case under advisement without ruling right away.

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International Transgender Day of Visibility rally and protest in Tucson

Biden’s Title IX Law Expanding Protections for LGBTQ+ Students Is Dealt Another Setback

U.S. District Judge Danny C. Reeves said the new rule also has “serious First Amendment implications" and temporarily blocked it in six additional states.

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