Julie Lasson
Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia

Georgia Lawmakers File Worrisome Legislation To Create State Journalism Ethics Board

A group of six Georgia Republican lawmakers introduced an “Ethics in Journalism Act,” a measure that would authorize a “Journalism Ethics Board” to create and implement ethical standards to oversee […]

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Judge Jeanine Pirro

Judge Tosses Defamation Lawsuit Against Jeanine Pirro and Fox News

A New York State Supreme Court judge dismissed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News and one of its hosts, Judge Jeanine Pirro, brought by civil rights activist DeRay McKesson who claimed that Pirro implied that he incited violence against a police officer.  

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Herald Sun

Australian News Outlets And Journalists Must Appear In Court To Answer To Alleged Suppression Order Breach

An Australian gag order that is preventing the media from reporting on one of the country's biggest stories has made its way to the US, preventing outlets with bureaus Down Under from covering the verdict of a Cardinal convicted of five counts of sexual abuse. In a digital age, are orders like this one still relevant and viable?

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Trump holding signed executive order

As Promised, Trump Signs Contentious Executive Order on Campus Free Speech

President Trump vowed to sign an executive order requiring American colleges and universities to protect free speech on campus, and would withhold federal research funds from schools that don't comply. “Today, I am proud to announce that I will be very soon be signing an executive order requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal research funds,” Trump said in his remarks at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, known as CPAC.

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Catherine Ross

Catherine J. Ross: Trump’s Latest Threat To Free Speech And The Academy

Catherine J. Ross, professor of law at George Washington University Law School, explains the possible issues that could arise if President Trump signs an executive order requiring colleges to support free speech on their campuses in order to receive federal research funds. "Ultimately, the central constitutional risk inherent in Trump’s proposed executive order is all too familiar: it will chill protected speech. What’s more, it will likely violate central tenets of the Speech Clause when enforced," she writes.

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Traffic stop

Sixth Circuit: A Raised Middle Finger Is Free Speech

Giving the middle finger is protected speech under the First Amendment, a federal appeals court ruled. In a 3-0 decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit […]

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Devin Nunes

CA Rep. Devin Nunes Sues Twitter And Three Users for $250 Million Over Defamation, Negligence and Conspiracy

Nunes is accusing Twitter of “knowingly hosting and monetizing content that is clearly abusive, hateful and defamatory” to undermine the public’s confidence in him, thereby benefiting his political opponents.

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New York State Bar Association

New York Fair Trial Free Press Conference

Every year, the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) convenes a panel of journalists, judges, and lawyers to discuss a hypothetical case involving free speech, the freedom of the press, […]

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