Appeals Court Lifts Temporary Restraining Order on Trump’s Niece’s Tell-All Book
“Unlike Ms. Trump, [Simon & Schuster] has not agreed to surrender or relinquish any of its First Amendment rights,” wrote Judge Alan Scheinkman, the presiding judge of the state’s Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department.
Judge Temporarily Blocks Publication of Trump’s Niece’s Book
The decision has been met with push back by press advocacy groups who argue that the book is of "immense public interest" and should proceed without interference.
How Trump and Nunes Use Defamation Lawsuits To Silence Their Critics
Public officials using libel suits as a weapon against the press is nothing new. In the time of Times v. Sullivan, southern officials had brought nearly $300 million in libel actions against the press. For reference, Nunes alone has brought just over $900 million in defamation claims in a twelve-month period.
Trump Family Tries to Stop Publication of Tell-All Book by President’s Niece
Trump's family asks for restraining order against Mary Trump's tell-all book on the grounds that it violates a nondisclosure agreement she signed in 2001. Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer for Ms. Trump, called Trump’s family’s actions a “brazen violation of the First Amendment.”
Judge Rejects Justice Department’s Emergency Request To Block Bolton’s Book
In his ruling, United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth wrote that the book raised “grave national security concerns,” and that Bolton stood to lose the profits from the book deal for breaking his nondisclosure agreement. Nevertheless, the judge argued that an injunction preventing further spread of the book would be futile.
Justice Department Asks Judge to Halt Distribution of Bolton’s Memoir
A day after suing Bolton in an attempt to halt his memoir's publication, the Justice Department has now gone after his publisher hoping to block its dissemination.
Protesters File Class Action Against Richmond Police
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of five Richmond residents, some of whom were sprayed with tear gas, and others who were forced to leave the protest early after seeing the police deploy chemical weapons.
Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Affirming Right to Record Police
The legislation affirms the right of individuals to record law enforcement activity, and to keep their recordings. The law goes into effect in 30 days.