
Roger Stone Claims The Gag Order Imposed on Him and His Family Is a Prior Restraint

Roger Stone, former advisor to Donald Trump, has filed a petition with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia arguing that the current gag order imposed […]

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Scales of Justice

Louisiana Attorney Sues Over Mandatory State Bar Association Dues

Louisiana lawyer Randy Boudreaux has filed suit against the Louisiana State Bar Association (LSBA) and the state’s Supreme Court for violating his and other lawyers right to free speech and […]

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Death Sentence of White Supremacist Overturned on First Amendment Grounds

The California Supreme Court unanimously overturned the death sentence of a white supremacist after finding that the prosecution erred by asking the jury to consider his racist beliefs when deciding […]

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Nicholas Sandmann

Deep Dive: The Nicholas Sandmann Defamation Lawsuits

This deep dive includes information about the defamation suits stemming from a viral encounter between a group of high school boys and a Native American activist. Students can use it to understand such as protected opinion, public figure doctrine, and other First Amendment concepts.

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Tulsi Gabbard

Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard Sues Google for $50 Million For Free Speech Violations

U. S. Representative and  Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, claiming that Google infringed on her […]

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University of California Student

Appeals Court Rules that University Violated Satirical Publications’ First Amendment Rights

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit overturned a lower court’s ruling that had dismissed a lawsuit brought by a student publication against the University of California, San […]

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Liberty Bell Philadelphia

Philadelphia City Officials Sued for Ban on Audio Recording in Bail Hearings

A Philadelphia-based nonprofit and an independent journalist have sued officials in Pennsylvania’s First Judicial District for banning audio recording in bail hearings, a restriction they say violates the First Amendment. […]

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Drag Queen Story Hour

Public Library in Texas Town Cancels Speaking Event with Trans Author

A public library in Leander, Texas canceled an event involving Lilah Sturges, a trans woman and graphic novelist, after city officials published new additions to an event policy hours before […]

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