Julie Lasson
Report card

Survey Reveals Substantial Support For First Amendment, But People Misunderstand Its Protections

According to a newly released American Bar Association civics literacy survey, the American public displays strong support for the First Amendment, but knowledge of the specifics of its protections are lacking.

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First Amendment Watch Co-Sponsors Talk On “Hate Speech on Social Media: Is There a Way to More Civil Discussion?”

The panel will address important issues surrounding online hate speech in the U.S. and other parts of the world that lack First Amendment protections.

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Julian Assange

Gene Policinski Commentary: Journalists May Be Stuck With Assange’s First Amendment Defense

Certain charges in Assange's case might threaten legal protections afforded to those who report confidential information obtained by others.

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Politics and Prose Bookstore

Book Talk Interrupted by White Nationalist Group At Popular D.C. Bookstore

A group of white nationalists disrupted an author’s book talk at a Washington, D.C. bookstore, chanting “this land is our land,” before exiting a few moments later. About a dozen […]

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Film producer Harvey Weinstein leaves court in Manhattan

Media Organizations Seek Access To Transcript of Closed Weinstein Hearing

Both the prosecution and the defense in Harvey Weinstein's case want a critical hearing set for Friday to take place behind closed doors, citing Weinstein's right to a fair trial. Now, 14 major news organizations are fighting for open access, asking a judge to keep the hearing open to the press and the public.

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Daniel Coats

Prepublication Review: An “Unconstitutional Censorship” of Former Intelligence Officials?

Five former intelligence officials are suing two U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Defense, challenging the constitutionality of the agencies’ “prepublication review” system. The prepublication review system requires current and former intelligence agency employees and military personnel to submit  for government approval anything they write about their past work.

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19th Century Public Trial

Teacher Guide: Balancing The Right To A Fair Trial With The Right Of A Free Press

Each year, the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) convenes the New York Fair Trial Free Press Conference, which brings together a panel of journalists, judges, and lawyers to discuss a hypothetical case involving free speech, the freedom of the press, and citizens’ right to a fair trial. This guide uses videos taken from the 2018 conference to address First Amendment issues like privacy rights, shield laws, and confidential sources.

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Ted Cruz campaign sign

Cruz Challenging FEC Over Campaign Finance Limitation Arguing That It Restricts Political Speech

Senator Ted Cruz is suing the Federal Election Committee over a provision of Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) that he says violates political candidates’ and campaign donors’ First Amendment right […]

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