Gene Policinski

Gene Policinski Commentary: The White House is Wrong. A Free Press Is ‘The People’

The Newseum Institute’s First Amendment expert, Gene Policinski, originally published this commentary on March 8, 2018, in the Austin American-Statesman, and then Newseum blog, and has given First Amendment Watch permission to reprint. […]

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Lata Nott

Lata Nott Podcast: Censoring Student Journalists

The Newseum Institute’s First Amendment expert, Lata Nott, originally published this podcast on the Newseum blog, and has given First Amendment Watch permission to reprint. Does freedom of the press […]

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social media platforms' logos

States Debate How To Tackle Disinformation On Social Media Platforms

Maryland, Washington State, New York, California and a growing number of other states are introducing bills to take on fake ads and social media bots that have polluted the internet […]

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Knight First Amendment Institute: From the Heckler’s Veto to the Provocateur’s Privilege

Reprinted with Permission From Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University Emerging Threats series invites leading thinkers to identify and grapple with newly arising or intensifying structural threats to the system […]

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Catherine Ross headshot

Authors Share Excerpts on Free Speech: Catherine J. Ross and Lessons in Censorship

Ross's book "highlights the troubling and growing tendency of schools to clamp down on off-campus speech such as texting and sexting and reveals how well-intentioned measures to counter verbal bullying and hate speech may impinge on free speech. Throughout, Ross proposes ways to protect free expression without disrupting education." - Harvard University Press.

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Robert E. Lee statue

Confederate Statues In Charlottesville Continue to Divide

The debate over the removal of Confederate statues has loomed large over the past five years, met with protests, violence and now a question by the President over whether history is being rewritten.

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Scale of justice

Ballard Spahr: Arizona Court of Appeals Declares Trial Court’s Media Restrictions Unconstitutional

Reprinted with Permission from Ballard Spahr The Arizona Court of Appeals issued a unanimous opinion late last month reaffirming the strict requirements for limiting the media’s ability to disseminate public information and […]

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Robert Murray

Defamation Suit By Coal Baron Against John Oliver Dismissed

Coal magnate Robert Murray has a long history of suing the media – at least nine organizations at last count. He targeted HBO’s John Oliver and The New York Times claiming that both misrepresented safety at his coal mines and attacked him personally. He even asked for an emergency “gag order” against rebroadcast of Oliver’s segment arguing it was hurting business and threatening employees. A federal judge ruled that Murray’s case against Oliver should proceed in state court. But after the case was remanded,HBO and Partially Important Productions submitted motions to dismiss which were granted. Murray intends to appeal.

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