Offensive Speech

Lawyers Argue In Appeal That Text Messages Sent In Suicide Case Were Protected Speech

Lawyers for Michelle Carter have filed an appeal in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to overturn the ruling in her involuntary manslaughter conviction, saying the text messages she sent encouraging […]

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Facebook ad

Facebook’s Ad Problems

From fake Russian ads to anti-Semitic ad targeting, Facebook's ad algorithms have failed the company and its users. This week Facebook's C-suite promised to make changes from working with Congress to prevent future tampering to adding employees to check language. Can Facebook reign in the Wild West of free expression on its platform?

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Did San Francisco Silence Hate Speech or Trample Freedom of Speech?

When Joey Gibson, head of Patriot Prayer, applied to hold a rally in San Francisco in an area designated by the National Park Service for "First Amendment activities," he thought he had the Constitution on his side. However, fearing a repeat of what happened in the deadly Charlottesville confrontations, San Francisco officials moved to protect the city from violence in what Gibson now says stifled his freedom of speech.

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Aggressive Online Response to Hate Speech and Extremists Post-Charlottesville

In the aftermath of the deadly protests in Charlottesville, many are asking when is hate speech protected and when does it cross the line? GoDaddy, Google and Twitter account "Yes, You're Racist" are redefining the reach of extremist views.

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Pro-Trump supporter holding a sign

Associated Press Bans Alt-Right Terminology In Midst of Usage Debate

What exactly are "alt-right," "alt-left,"antifa," and other groups and what are responsible ways to report on extremist groups?

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Milo Yiannopoulos

Yiannopoulos and ACLU Find Common Ground in Lawsuit Against Washington Metro

In banning a series of ads by disparate groups, the Washington Metro finds itself in hot water with the A.C.L.U. which is, among others, representing, Milo Yiannopoulos, because even "speech we hate" is bound by the First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

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Supreme Court Affirms Hate Speech Protected

First Amendment expert, Eugene Volokh writes that in Matal v. Tam, also known as the “Slants” case, the “justices made clear that speech that some view as racially offensive is […]

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