Campus Speech
Student protestor

New Survey Finds First Amendment Challenges on College Campuses

Gallup, the Knight Foundation, the American Council on Education, Charles Koch Institute and the Stanton Foundation worked together to update a 2016 landmark survey of college students and their thoughts […]

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Efforts to Protect College Media From Suppression Gain Traction

College Media Association President Chris Evans reviews efforts over the past year to ensure college press freedom. A 2016 report sponsored by the American Association of University Professors, the College […]

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Authors Share Excerpts on Free Speech: Erwin Chemerinsky & Howard Gillman and Free Speech on Campus

Free Speech on Campus "provides the background necessary to understanding the importance of free speech on campus and offers clear prescriptions for what colleges can and can’t do when dealing with free speech controversies." - Yale University Press

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First Amendment: By the Numbers

With controversies swirling daily about the freedom of speech and press, what is the state of public support for the First Amendment? Several nonprofit organizations—the Newseum First Amendment Institute, the […]

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Student protestor

Senate Hearing on “Exploring Free Speech on College Campuses”

A FIRE summary states that “Providing testimony before the committee were Robert Zimmer, president of the University of Chicago; Nadine Strossen, New York Law School professor, former president of the ACLU, and current […]

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Controversial Speaker Causes Florida Governor to Declare State of Emergency

In August, Richard Spencer was at the center of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. On Thursday,  he is set to speak at the University of Florida and Governor […]

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Free Speech Defender? Attorney General Enters Campus Free Speech Debate

At an invitation-only event at Georgetown University law school, Attorney General Jeff Sessions jumped into the debate over campus speech by stating that the First Amendment had suffered from "political correctness and homogeneous thought" and that "a national recommitment to free speech on campus" was needed. While some applauded the administration's commitment to free speech, protestors rallied against attacks on the First Amendment by the administration.

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College Students: We ‘Sort Of’ Support First Amendment

In a recent Brookings survey of current undergraduate students at U.S. four-year colleges and universities, researchers found that "Freedom of expression is deeply imperiled on U.S. campuses." A lack of understanding of First Amendment protections imperils the future of free speech. Is it to late to fix the underlying misconceptions?

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