Authors Share Excerpts on Free Speech: Thomas Healy and The Great Dissent
The Great Dissent: How Oliver Wendell Holmes Changed His Mind--and Changed the History of Free Speech in America "is a fascinating glimpse into an art that seems lost in law and politics today: the art of changing one's mind. In meticulous detail, Healy tells us how the great jurist, who had staunchly upheld criminal convictions in free speech cases just months before, changed his mind in Abrams." - The Atlantic
Yelp Case Demonstrates How To Out Anonymous Speakers
The online consumer review site, Yelp, tried to protect the anonymity of a reviewer who wrote a dismissive piece about accountancy, Montagna & Associates, Inc., for overcharging and harassment. Montagna sued […]
Court Rules Baring Breasts Not Protected by First Amendment
The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled that a Chicago ordinance did not violate the First Amendment freedom of speech or the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection […]
Harvey Weinstein Hired Investigators To Intimidate Journalists
In an explosive New Yorker piece that hit the web Monday night, Ronan Farrow details how Harvey Weinstein used spies, lies and threats to intimidate multiple journalists from exposing the truth about his predatory behavior.
Leaked Paradise Papers Shed Light On Murky Offshore World
Expanding on the work uncovered by the Panama Papers, German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung obtained 13.4 million records detailing offshore networks and exposing the world’s biggest names from Trump commerce secretary […]
First Amendment: By the Numbers
With controversies swirling daily about the freedom of speech and press, what is the state of public support for the First Amendment? Several nonprofit organizations—the Newseum First Amendment Institute, the […]
Country Music Association Backtracks on Reporter Ban At Awards Gala
The Country Music Association first told reporters covering the annual awards event next week that questions about “the Las Vegas tragedy, gun rights, political affiliations or topics of the like” […]
Senate Hearing on “Exploring Free Speech on College Campuses”
A FIRE summary states that “Providing testimony before the committee were Robert Zimmer, president of the University of Chicago; Nadine Strossen, New York Law School professor, former president of the ACLU, and current […]