Georgia Court Rules Teacher Cannot Challenge Suspension Over Facebook Comments
June 11, 2018: Tifton Teacher Eyeing Supreme Court According to her attorney, Kelly Tucker plans to petition the U.S. Supreme Court to hear her case. June 4, 2018: Georgia Supreme […]
Free Speech Advocates Concerned Over Revenge Pornography Bill In Rhode Island
Rhode Island’s Governor Gina Raimondo signed a revenge pornography bill into law despite concerns and a request for a veto from free press and speech advocates. Although the governor originally […]
Notable Legal Ruling For Buzzfeed in Dossier Defense
A judge ruled that Buzzfeed may have legal protection for its decision to publish the “dossier” and a brief accompanying article in January 2017, and could claim fair reporting privilege. […]
Journalist Cleared of Criminal Trespass Charges
Following a one-day trial, North Dakota Judge Thomas Schneider ruled that journalist Jenni Monet complied with law enforcement orders while reporting on the demonstration at the Dakota Access Pipeline. The […]
Supreme Court Hands Down Ruling in Masterpiece Cake Case
The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Jack C. Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakeland, Colorado, who refused to design and create a wedding cake for a celebration of a same-sex marriage saying that a state commission violated the Constitution's protection of religious freedom when it ruled against Phillips. Phillips had claimed that the creation of the cake is artistic expression protected by the First Amendment’s free speech and free exercise of religion clause. The couple and Colorado argued that Phillips’ work on the cake was not expressive conduct according to the law and that the state had a significant interest in preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation. “The neutral and respectful consideration to which Phillips was entitled was compromised here,” Justice Kennedy wrote in the decision. “The Civil Rights Commission’s treatment of his case has some elements of a clear and impermissible hostility toward the sincere religious beliefs that motivated his objection.”
ACLU Sues U.S. Courts Administrative Office for Violation of Free Speech
New rules implemented in March are barring hundred of support staff at the Administrative Office of the United States Courts from engaging in political activity, including expressing their political views on social […]
Judge Rules Student May Wear “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” T-shirt
A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order that would allow high school senior Addison Barnes to wear a t-shirt that read "Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co." for the remainder of the school year. Barnes lawyers argued that his shirt constituted "pure political speech" and did not disturb or interfere with the school, promote illegal activity or contain obscene or vulgar language.
As Summer Starts Maryland Judge Says Restrictions On Boardwalk Performers Unconstitutional
A U.S. district court judge in Maryland ruled that restrictions on street performers in Ocean City is unconstitutional. The decision says the restrictions placed a "substantial burden" on harmless speech.