University of California
March in support of Palestinians, in Seattle

Police in Riot Gear Surround Israel-Hamas War Protesters at UC Santa Cruz

Campus, local and state police swarmed the protesters, and video showed officers telling people to leave, then taking away signs and part of a barricade, local news stations reported.

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Unionized academic workers, upset about the University of California's response to pro-Palestinian protests at various campuses, strike at UCLA in Los Angeles

UC Student Workers Expand Strike, Demanding Amnesty for Protestors

Workers, including teaching assistants, academic researchers and graders, are striking not over pay and benefits but instead over the UC’s response to protesters.

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College students protest on University of Michigan campus

A Look at the Gaza War Protests That Have Emerged on US College Campuses

Protests on many campuses have been orchestrated by coalitions of student groups. The groups largely act independently, though students say they’re inspired by peers at other universities.

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Politics and Prose Bookstore

Book Talk Interrupted by White Nationalist Group At Popular D.C. Bookstore

A group of white nationalists disrupted an author’s book talk at a Washington, D.C. bookstore, chanting “this land is our land,” before exiting a few moments later. About a dozen […]

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