Trump Sued Again for Refusing to Unblock Certain Twitter Users
The lawsuit says that the President continues to exclude users who were blocked before his inaguration or cannot specify the tweet that provoked the block. According to the complaint, the President’s staff told the Knight Institute as recently as July 20nd that the President “does not intend to unblock persons who were blocked prior to his inauguration or who cannot identify a tweet that proceeded and allegedly precipitated the blocking.”
The Justice Department Abandons Effort to Censor Michael Cohen
Federal prosecutors say they will abandon efforts to prevent Michael Cohen from talking to the media and publishing his tell-all book on the president. The letter comes one week after Hellerstein ordered Cohen’s release from prison. Cohen was returned to prison after he refused to sign an agreement barring him from posting on social media, talking to the press, and releasing his forthcoming book on Trump.
Federal Judge Orders Cohen’s Release, Says He Was Punished For Planned Book
A federal judge orders Cohen to be released after finding that the purpose of his re-imprisonment was in retaliation for his plans to criticize Trump. Prior to being put back in prison, Cohen was pressured into signing an agreement that would have relinquished his First Amendment rights.
ACLU Petition Says Cohen Imprisoned in Retaliation for Planned Book About Trump
According to the petition, Cohen was asked to sign a form agreeing not to publish the book as a condition of his release. His lawyers and the ACLU are asking the US District Court for the Southern District of New York for his immediate release into home confinement.
New York Supreme Court Lifts Gag Order on Mary Trump’s New Book
Mary Trump is now free to speak publicly about her memoir “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.” The ruling is a blow to the Trump family who sued to stop the book's publication arguing that it violates an old nondisclosure agreement.
How Trump and Nunes Use Defamation Lawsuits To Silence Their Critics
Public officials using libel suits as a weapon against the press is nothing new. In the time of Times v. Sullivan, southern officials had brought nearly $300 million in libel actions against the press. For reference, Nunes alone has brought just over $900 million in defamation claims in a twelve-month period.
Trump Family Tries to Stop Publication of Tell-All Book by President’s Niece
Trump's family asks for restraining order against Mary Trump's tell-all book on the grounds that it violates a nondisclosure agreement she signed in 2001. Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer for Ms. Trump, called Trump’s family’s actions a “brazen violation of the First Amendment.”
Appeals Court Rejects Request to Review Trump Twitter Case
"The critical question in this case is not the nature of the Account when it was set up a decade ago. The critical question for First Amendment purposes is how the President uses the Account in his capacity as President," Judge Barrington Parker wrote.