New Hampshire
College Campus

Troubling State Bills in Rhode Island, New Hampshire Take Aim at Teaching “Divisive Concepts”

Recently introduced legislation in Rhode Island and New Hampshire continues the trend of state legislatures taking aim at the teaching of “divisive concepts” about race and gender in higher education. The bills, like their counterparts in other states, are deeply flawed and pose a threat to free speech and academic freedom.

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New Hampshire Police

ACLU Sues NH City Police Department for Violating Resident’s First Amendment Right to Record Police

“To allow automatic warrantless seizures of bystanders’ cell phones containing recordings of police interactions without any evidence of exigency would deeply chill the First Amendment right to record, as the public simply would not exercise this constitutional right out of fear that doing so would authorize law enforcement to seize one’s phone and hold it indefinitely,” the complaint reads.

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Limitations on Gathering Size to Slow Spread of Coronavirus Prompt First Amendment Questions

A group of residents in New Hampshire sued their government following limitations on large gatherings meant to slow the spread of coronavirus. Civil liberties experts explain why these restrictions, even when they affect political or religious gatherings, are likely to be upheld in court. 

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Laptop keyboard

Charges Dropped Against New Hampshire Man Arrested For Defaming Police Chief

The Exeter police dropped charges against Robert Frese who was arrested for criminal defamation of a police chief for a comment made online. In a press release, Exeter police said […]

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