Opponents Want Montana Drag Reading Ban Declared Unconstitutional Without Trial
U.S. District Court Judge Brian Morris granted a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the law last month, saying it targets free speech and expression.
LGBTQ+ Rights Group Sues Over Iowa Law Banning School Books, Gender Discussion
Gov. Kim Reynolds, who signed the measure into law, defended it as “protecting children from pornography and sexually explicit content.”
Tennessee City’s Ban of Drag Performances on Public Property Temporarily Lifted
It is the latest development in the ongoing political battle over LGBTQ+ rights in Tennessee, where conservative leaders have sought to limit events where drag performers may appear.
Colorado High Court to Hear Case Against Christian Baker Who Refused to Make Gender Transition Cake
Colorado’s highest court said Tuesday it will hear the case of a Christian baker who refused to make a cake celebrating a gender transition.
Supreme Court Sides with Colorado Web Designer in Anti-Discrimination Free Speech Case
The Supreme Court sided with a Colorado web designer June 30 who argued her freedom of expression was violated by the state’s anti-discrimination law requiring her to create marriage websites for same-sex couples.
The Arizona state legislature continues to consider a bill that would drastically curtail LGBTQ-themed education and discussion in the state’s K-12 schools. Despite already being vetoed once by Governor Doug Ducey due to its obvious First Amendment problems, the proposed law has been brought back by its legislative sponsor. If passed, the law would squelch important and timely expression in educational institutions throughout the state.
New Case Tests Bounds of Professor’s Classroom Speech Rights
Nicholas Meriwether, a political philosophy professor at Shawnee State University, sued the institution after he was investigated for refusing to refer to a student by her preferred gender pronouns. The professor claims that doing so would go against his religious beliefs, and sued the school on First Amendment grounds.
Teacher Guide: Hate Speech In America
Although many countries across the globe have laws prohibiting hate speech, the United States protects offensive speech about certain groups that historically have been subject to discrimination. This guide explores the First Amendment issues that arise from attempting to regulate hate speech. The guide also goes into existing limitations on expression, including incitement to imminent lawless action, fighting words, true threats, and harassment.