Columbia University
Columbia University President

Columbia President Lee Bollinger Weighs In On The State of Campus Speech

Columbia University president and First Amendment scholar Lee Bollinger writes about the state of free speech on college campuses. Despite President Trump’s claim that an executive order was necessary to […]

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National Conference on the First Amendment

First Amendment Watch Video Series: Interviews with Panelists at the National Conference at Duquesne University

First Amendment Watch spoke with panelists at the National Conference on the First Amendment at Duquesne University about their areas of expertise in the First Amendment space.

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Knight First Amendment Institute: From the Heckler’s Veto to the Provocateur’s Privilege

Reprinted with Permission From Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University Emerging Threats series invites leading thinkers to identify and grapple with newly arising or intensifying structural threats to the system […]

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