Columbia University
Low Memorial Library at Columbia University in New York City, April 14, 2021.

Columbia Cancels Main Commencement After Weeks of Pro-Palestinian Protests

Noting that the past few weeks have been “incredibly difficult” for the community, the school said in its announcement that it made the decision after discussions with students.

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Protest in support of Palestinians, in New York City

Protesters Clash at UCLA Hours After Police Clear Pro-Palestinian Demonstration at Columbia

The ensuing crackdown by police on some college campuses has stirred echoes of the much larger student protest movement during the Vietnam War era.

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Columbia University encampment continues, in New York

Protesters Take Over Columbia University Building in Escalation of Campus Demonstrations

Universities nationwide are grappling with how to clear out encampments as commencement ceremonies approach, with some continuing negotiations and others turning to force.

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Police clear protesters from University of Texas

Israel-Hamas War Protesters and Police Clash on University of Texas Campus

From coast to coast, demonstrators are sparring over the Israel-Hamas war, and the number of arrests at campuses nationwide is approaching 1,000.

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Protests continue at Columbia University in New York during the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas

College Protesters Want ‘Amnesty.’ At Stake: Tuition, Legal Charges, Grades and Graduation

What started at Columbia has turned into a nationwide showdown between students and administrators over anti-war protests and the limits of free speech.

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Protest encampment at University Yard in support of Palestinians in Gaza

As Some Universities Negotiate With Pro-Palestinian Protesters, Others Quickly Call the Police

Officials at some schools have been negotiating with student protesters who have rebuffed police and doubled down. Other schools have quickly turned to law enforcement to douse demonstrations before they can take hold.

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College students protest on University of Michigan campus

A Look at the Gaza War Protests That Have Emerged on US College Campuses

Protests on many campuses have been orchestrated by coalitions of student groups. The groups largely act independently, though students say they’re inspired by peers at other universities.

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Protests continue at Columbia University in New York during the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas

Since Arrests at Columbia, Campus Protests of Israel’s War in Gaza Spread Nationwide

Protests had been bubbling for months but kicked into a higher gear after more than 100 pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had camped out on Columbia’s campus were arrested last week.

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