A Florida couple whose house is painted with murals of the famous painting of Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” reached a settlement with their city council after they were told last year that their house violated a city signage code. The couple faced over $10,000 in fines and were told that they must paint over the house. They argued that the rules violated their constitutional right to free expression, and that the house was painted to serve as a landmark for their autistic son in the event that he gets lost.
Reuters“It’s a big day for the arts,” Richard Barrenchea, the artist that painted the murals on the home, said, according to the Associated Press. “It’s a big day for Mount Dora, and a big day for freedom.”
Associated PressThe Orlando Sentinel reports from the news conference in which the city’s mayor apologized to the family, putting an end to the controversial battle.
The Orlando Sentinelhttps://www.instagram.com/p/Bg4A1PbHPCI/?taken-by=richard_barrenechea