Kyle Kashuv, a Parkland School shooting survivor who stood out from his peers due to his gun support stance, was denied admission to Harvard after the university discovered a litany of racist remarks he made when he was 16 years old.
In May, a former classmate released video screen shots of a Google Doc Kashuv and other students shared, showing Kashuv using a racial slur for African Americans more than a dozen times.
The classmate also released a screen shot of a text message written by Kashuv that shows him using the same racial slur about black student athletes.
As a private university, Harvard has the right to make judgment calls about students’ behavior when deciding whether to admit someone. The university reserves the right to withdraw an offer for a variety to reasons, including if a student “engages or has engaged in behavior that brings into question their honesty, maturity or moral character.”
The now 18-year old Kashuv has apologized for his earlier actions, saying that it was a late night attempt by him and his fellow students trying to outdo each other with outrageous remarks.
“My intent was never to hurt anyone,” Kashuv wrote in a letter to the college that he posted on Twitter. “I also feel I am no longer the same person, especially in the aftermath of the Parkland shooting and all that has transpired since.”