Politics and Prose Bookstore

Book Talk Interrupted by White Nationalist Group At Popular D.C. Bookstore

A group of white nationalists disrupted an author’s book talk at a Washington, D.C. bookstore, chanting “this land is our land,” before exiting a few moments later. About a dozen […]

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Harvard University president

Student Protesters at Harvard Disrupt Discussion And Cause Venue Change

In early April, a group of student protesters at Harvard disrupted a discussion between two administrators who were going to discuss how universities could promote economic opportunity. The event, which […]

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New York Police Officers

Gene Policinski Commentary: You Think Bombs Will Deter, Discourage And Destroy Freedom? Think Again.

The Newseum Institute’s First Amendment expert, Gene Policinski, originally published this commentary on October 26, 2018, on the Newseum blog, and has given First Amendment Watch permission to reprint.   […]

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Children holding American flag

National Parks Service Proposal Would Compel Fees For DC Protests

The ACLU of D.C. submitted a formal written comment expressing opposition to the National Park Service’s proposed regulation changes to protest rights in the nation’s capital. Arthur Spitzer the Legal Co-Director of […]

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Immigration activist

Immigration Activist Appeals Deportation Order, Arguing 1st Amendment Rights

Immigration activist Ravi Ragbir asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to temporarily block the government from deporting him while he argues that his First Amendment rights […]

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One Year Since Deadly Charlottesville Protests

The violent clashes between protestors in Charlottesville were cloaked in First Amendment rights to free speech. But while the Constitution may protect hate speech, it does not protect incitement of violence.

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Minnesota state flag

Bill to Increase Fines And Penalties For Protestors Vetoed

“I believe that blocking access to freeways and airports is a matter of public safety for everyone involved,” Governor Mark Dayton wrote in a letter to the speaker of Minnesota’s […]

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Lata Nott

Lata Nott: These Two States Are Pushing Laws To Criminalize Some Protests

The Newseum Institute’s First Amendment expert, Lata Nott, originally published this podcast on the Newseum blog, and has given First Amendment Watch permission to reprint.   Rightly or wrongly, certain […]

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