Protesters gather at the University of California Los Angeles

UCLA Can’t Allow Protesters to Block Jewish Students From Campus, Judge Rules

The preliminary injunction marks the first time a U.S. judge has ruled against a university over the demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war on college campuses earlier this year.

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Unionized academic workers, upset about the University of California's response to pro-Palestinian protests at various campuses, strike at UCLA in Los Angeles

UC Student Workers Expand Strike, Demanding Amnesty for Protestors

Workers, including teaching assistants, academic researchers and graders, are striking not over pay and benefits but instead over the UC’s response to protesters.

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Protesters gather at the University of California Los Angeles

Police Make Dozens of Arrests at UCLA in Tense Clashes With Protesters

The California Highway Patrol said at least 132 protesters were arrested after officers spent hours threatening arrests over loudspeakers if people did not disperse.

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Protest in support of Palestinians, in New York City

Protesters Clash at UCLA Hours After Police Clear Pro-Palestinian Demonstration at Columbia

The ensuing crackdown by police on some college campuses has stirred echoes of the much larger student protest movement during the Vietnam War era.

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