The Covenant School
People visit a memorial after deadly shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville

Nashville Court Grapples With Details on School Shooter That Were Leaked to Media

The editor-in-chief's attorney argued the court proceeding would infringe on First Amendment protections after his outlet, The Tennessee Star, reported on records leaked to them about the shooter at The Covenant School.

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People visit a memorial after deadly shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville

Judge Sets Hearing Over Alleged Leak of Nashville School Shooter Info

The hearing could put competing arguments on display about the First Amendment protection of media outlets and the extent to which judges can control conduct in their cases.

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Nashville, Tennessee special session protest

Tennessee Republican Lawmaker Orders Removal of Public During Special Session on Gun Legislation

Families close to a Nashville fatal school shooting broke down in tears Tuesday after a Tennessee Republican leader ordered state troopers to remove them and others from a legislative hearing room while they waited to testify in favor of gun control measures.

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