Nashville, Tennessee skyline

Nashville Grapples With Lingering Neo-Nazi Presence in Tourist-Friendly City

The city's mayor stressed that any ordinance enforcement would need to withstand a possible court challenge, with delicate implications on constitutional free speech rights.

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First 2024 presidential debate in Atlanta

City Fine for Profane Yard Sign About Biden and Trump Was Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

U.S. District Judge Mark Norris in Memphis ruled that Pereira’s political sign is not obscene, and the city cannot lawfully regulate people’s points of view.

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Pro-choice activists assemble in downtown Memphis during a "Stop Abortion Bans Day of Action" rally hosted by the Tennessee chapter of Planned Parenthood in Tennessee

TN Sued Over Law That Criminalizes Helping Minors Get Abortions Without Permission

The lawsuit argues the statute is "unconstitutionally vague" and criminalizes certain speech in violation of the First Amendment.

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People visit a memorial after deadly shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville

Nashville Court Grapples With Details on School Shooter That Were Leaked to Media

The editor-in-chief's attorney argued the court proceeding would infringe on First Amendment protections after his outlet, The Tennessee Star, reported on records leaked to them about the shooter at The Covenant School.

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Rainbow flags fly across the street from the Stonewall Inn in New York

Tennessee GOP-Led Senate Spikes Bill Seeking to Ban LGBTQ+ Pride Flags in Schools

Republican-led states such as Tennessee have moved to increasingly limit LGBTQ+ topics in school classrooms and prevent teachers from affirming a child’s gender identity or pronouns.

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Rainbow flags fly across the street from the Stonewall Inn in New York

Pride Flags Would Be Largely Banned in Tennessee Classrooms Under New Bill

The proposal, which was passed by the GOP-led House, marks another development in the ongoing political battle over LGBTQ+ rights in Tennessee.

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Slay Hate: Fight Back Tennessee rally

ACLU Settles for $500K With a Tennessee City in Fight Over an Anti-Drag Ordinance

In addition to the monetary settlement, the city also agreed to repeal the ordinance, which was designed to ban drag performances from taking place on public property.

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Residents drop off mail-in ballots in Bucks County

Appeals Panel Won’t Revive Lawsuit Against Tennessee Ban on Giving Out Mail Voting Form

Judges have decided not to revive a challenge of a Tennessee law that makes it a felony for anyone other than election officials to distribute absentee ballot applications.

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