pro-Palestinian protests
The campus of the University of Pennsyvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

PA Senate Passes Bill to Bar Universities, Pension Funds From Divesting From Israel

Sen. Steve Santarsiero, who was a sponsor, disputed that the bill infringes on freedom of speech and said students and faculty will still be able to protest peacefully.

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Low Memorial Library at Columbia University in New York City, April 14, 2021.

Columbia Cancels Main Commencement After Weeks of Pro-Palestinian Protests

Noting that the past few weeks have been “incredibly difficult” for the community, the school said in its announcement that it made the decision after discussions with students.

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Police stand guard at the NYU campus, after students and pro-Palestinian supporters were removed after days of encampment, in New York

Striking Deals to End Campus Protests, Some Colleges Invite Discussion of Their Investments

There have been 2,400-plus arrests on 46 campuses nationwide since April 17.

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