Kindergarten boy looking at laptop computer during first day of virtual learning online school

What To Know about the Kids Online Safety Act That Just Passed the Senate

Proponents say the bill is a necessary first step in regulating tech companies in order to protect children from harmful online content, but opponents fear the bill would violate the First Amendment.

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Meta Platforms' Clegg at 54th WEF annual meeting in Davos

Tech Companies Sign Accord to Combat AI-Generated Election Trickery

The accord outlines methods the tech companies will use to try to detect and label deceptive AI content when it is created or distributed on their platforms.

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White House Refuses to Endorse Christchurch Call, citing Free Speech Concerns

In the wake of the deadly mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, the country’s Prime Minister is leading an effort to stamp out extremism online. The “Christchurch Call” asks for “collective, voluntary commitments" from governments and online service providers to stop the spread of extremism. The non-binding doctrine has been signed by 18 countries, including France and Canada, and by five tech companies, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. The Trump administration, however, declined to sign the Christchurch Call, citing free speech concerns.

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