A pro-Palestinnian demonstrator protests after the Wayne State University police raided the WSU student encampment in Detroit

Police Dismantle Pro-Palestinian Camp at Wayne State University in Detroit

At least eight people were arrested: six for trespassing, one for resisting and one for assaulting a police officer, according to a university spokesperson.

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A coalition of pro-Palestinian University of Michigan students and supporters protest in the street

College in Detroit Suspends In-Person Classes Because of Pro-Palestinian Camp

Protest camps sprang up across the U.S. and in Europe as students demand their universities stop doing business with Israel or companies that they say support its war in Gaza.

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Migrants are sent back to Mexico in Texas

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agents Roll Out Body Cameras in Five Cities

The agency said specifically that the cameras would not be used to record people engaged in activities protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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Anti-Abortion Group Loses First Amendment Case Against City of Detroit

On June 7th, a Michigan federal court dismissed a First Amendment challenge filed against the city of Detroit by a group of anti-abortion protesters. The case offers an interesting look at how courts balance public safety concerns against the right to protest.

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