4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Drone Pilot Can’t Offer Mapping Without North Carolina Surveyor’s License, Court Says

The judge who authored the panel's opinion said determining whether a business prohibition on the pilot's mapping crosses over to a significant speech restriction can be difficult.

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The Court of Federal Appeals (Lewis F. Powell Courthouse) and the skyline of Richmond, Virginia.

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Local Gun Safety Pamphlet Law in Maryland

A three-judge panel rejected an appeal on First Amendment grounds by the gun rights group Maryland Shall Issue and four gun store owners.

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North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls is seen in an undated photo

North Carolina Justice Ends Suit Against Ethics Panel After It Dismisses Complaint

Associate Justice Anita Earls had claimed an investigation from the state's Judicial Standards Commission into her public comments chilled her free-speech rights.

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File photo of Google Inc's logo

First Amendment Challenge to Maryland’s Digital Ad Tax Clears Legal Hurdle

A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed with a lower federal court’s decision to dismiss the challenge on First Amendment grounds.

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