Appeals Court Frees Attorney From Having To Join, Pay Dues To Louisiana Bar Association
This is one of more than two dozen cases playing out around the country challenging state requirements that attorneys join and pay dues to state bar associations.
Colorado Case Using ‘Insurrection’ Argument to Bar Trump From the Ballot Goes to the Judge
Last week, the Minnesota Supreme Court dodged the question of whether the provision applies to Trump, who is so far dominating the Republican presidential primary.
New York Judge Lifts Gag Order Barring Donald Trump From Maligning Court Staff
In his decision, Judge David Friedman of the state’s intermediate appeals court cited constitutional concerns about restricting Trump’s free speech.
Lawyer Says He Released Videos in Georgia’s 2020 Election Interference Case
The videos were part of evidence, known as discovery, that had been provided to all of the defendants and their attorneys. But they were not publicly available.
Facing Backlash, Nikki Haley Softens Demand That Social Media Ban Anonymous Posters
“Every person on social media should be verified by their name. It’s a national security threat,” said the former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador on Tuesday.
South Carolina Education Board Weighing Limits on ‘Age Appropriate’ Materials
The regulation is the latest effort from conservative policymakers to restrict public school students’ access to books covering topics of race, gender identity and sexual orientation.
Michigan Judge Says Trump Can Stay On Ballot, Rejecting Insurrection Clause Challenge
It marks the second time in a week that a state court declined to remove Trump from a primary ballot under the insurrection provision of the 14th Amendment.
Owner of Medical Marijuana Dispensary Claims Mississippi Censors Business Owners
Clarence Cocroft claims Mississippi's Department of Health regulations banning medical marijuana businesses from advertising violates business owners' First Amendment rights.