Bolton Memoir

Judge Rejects Justice Department’s Emergency Request To Block Bolton’s Book

In his ruling, United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth wrote that the book raised “grave national security concerns,” and that Bolton stood to lose the profits from the book deal for breaking his nondisclosure agreement. Nevertheless, the judge argued that an injunction preventing further spread of the book would be futile.

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Justice Department Asks Judge to Halt Distribution of Bolton’s Memoir

A day after suing Bolton in an attempt to halt his memoir's publication, the Justice Department has now gone after his publisher hoping to block its dissemination.

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Richmond Police

Protesters File Class Action Against Richmond Police

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of five Richmond residents, some of whom were sprayed with tear gas, and others who were forced to leave the protest early after seeing the police deploy chemical weapons. 

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Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Affirming Right to Record Police

The legislation affirms the right of individuals to record law enforcement activity, and to keep their recordings. The law goes into effect in 30 days.

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Floyd Protests

Journalist Injured While Covering Protests Sues Minneapolis Police

Linda Tirado, a freelance journalist who permanently lost vision in her left eye after being hit with a projectile, is suing the city of Minneapolis and various law enforcement officials for her injuries, as well as for violating her Fourth and First Amendment rights.

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A protester photographs a protest with his cellphone in St. Louis, Missouri, following the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd.

First Amendment Watch Releases a Citizen’s Guide to Recording Police

The First Amendment right to record public officials such as the police performing their official duties in public is central to our democracy. Without the ability to document and disseminate such information, citizens would lack an indispensable tool for keeping the public informed, and for holding their leaders accountable.

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protest floyd

ACLU Sues City of Seattle For Using Excessive Force On Protestors

On June 9th, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Washington filed an emergency lawsuit demanding that the City of Seattle immediately stop using chemical agents on protestors. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court of Western Washington on behalf of Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County and individual demonstrators, comes in response to the Seattle Police Department’s (SPD) continued use of chemical agents for crowd control.

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William Barr and Jeffrey Rosen

Lawmakers Call for the Drug Enforcement Administration to End Its Surveillance of Protesters

“The DEA’s narcotics interdiction tactics are not appropriate measures to address the limited violence that has taken place over the past few days or to monitor peaceful protests,” the letter said. “The expansion of the DEA’s law enforcement authority, including the use of ‘covert surveillance’ and collection of intelligence, is unwarranted and antithetical to the American people’s right to peacefully assemble and to exercise their Constitutional rights without undue Intrusion.”

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